RoboCup Prototype

Posted on 12:02 AM by ersinaytac

We are working on our RoboCup SSL robots slowly but steady. Since it's a complicated project we are facing many problems thats why it took more than expected to make the first prototype.

Although our real robots are going to have carbon fiber chassis. Just for prototype we choose to make it from balsa. Balsa is type of wood which is commonly used by RC crafters. Balsa is a strong wood with very low density which makes it perfect for light weight builds. The problem with balsa is, it is sold as 1000 mm long 100 mm width. Large variety of thickness is available from 1 mm to 10 mm.

Our robots are going to have 178 mm diameter. Since the width of the balsa is 100 mm, we glued two of them side by side. We have 3 mm thick balsas at home at the time we build the prototype, since the chassis is going to carry some weight we glued one on another to have 6 mm thick chassis. The omni wheels we have is 69 mm in diameter, and 20 mm width. Also the wheel orientation is what we decided before 45 degrees in the back and 53 degrees in the front. To make a place for kicker and dribbler, the front side of the robot is straight. We cut the front side according to our technical drawings.

We got some 10 mm thick balsa left over from a previous project. For motor mounts we cut 60 mm x 50 mm rectangles. These 4 pieces are nailed from the bottom.

On the top of the motor mounts we cut a piece that covers the area. That piece is cut from a 3 mm balsa and screwed from top to the motor mounts. We're going to use that area to mount the electronic devices.

The federation limited the height of the robots by 150 mm. We cut 140 mm long 10 mm wide 3 sticks from 10 mm thick balsa. These 3 sticks are nailed by 10 mm long nails from the bottom of the chassis.

For the top cover we just cut a 178 mm perfect circle from 3 mm balsa. The top cover is screwed to the 3 sticks right under the cover.

The cover of the robot is made from black card board. Color markings on the top is from card board and the circles are placed according to F180 rules.